Saturday, January 17, 2015

Depression Stinks!

Depression stinks!  People don't like to talk about it.  Especially when you are in the midst of it, the last thing you want to do is talk about it.  It's easy to feel isolated and alone.  ADHD and depression are common bedfellows.  Whether it's dealing with the frustrations of ADHD symptoms that result in depression or the chemical imbalance that causes the depression, compounding the ADHD, it stinks!  I recently realized that I was starting to feel depressed after being pretty much depression free for the last couple of years.  It's amazing how the clouds roll in and darken my outlook on life.  It's hard to feel positive about anything but very easy to become self-critical, withdrawn from relationships and lose the desire to do anything that takes mental or emotional energy.

It's one thing for me to deal with it, but to see my kids struggling to feel positive about themselves, knowing that could lead to depression, just breaks my heart.  Lately, I've heard 3 of my children saying things like "I'm so stupid." and "What an idiot I am!" when dealing with the frustration and aftermath of impulsivity and other symptoms of ADHD.  When I am feeling down, I can add to their negativity when I am unable to affirm them when they need it most.

The challenge is to help them understand though the "sow/reap principle" is in play, it's okay for them to make mistakes, that we love them no matter what and forgiveness is available on an ongoing basis.  There are a lot of resources out there regarding ADHD and depression.  If you find yourself or your children having trouble in these areas, get help and invite the Lord to walk through it with you.

Here are some articles on the subject:

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